hold [i h8uld ]    (¼øÀ§: 760 - Áß1 ¼öÁØ)  
½ÃÁ¦ held¡¼ih3ld¡½ - held¡¼ih3ld¡½
¶æ ¼Õ¿¡ µé´Ù,Áã´Ù,°³ÃÖÇÏ´Ù
Mean To have and keep in one's grasp.
¿¹¹® 1. hold a person's hand (¡¦ÀÇ ¼ÕÀ» Áã´Ù)
2. hold a book in one's hand (Ã¥À» ¼Õ¿¡ µé°í ÀÖ´Ù)
3. This room can hold fifty people. (ÀÌ ¹æ¿¡´Â 50¸í µé¾î°¥ ¼ö ÀÖ´Ù)
4. hold a meeting (ȸÀǸ¦ °³ÃÖÇÏ´Ù)
5. hold one's breath (¼ûÀ» Á×ÀÌ´Ù)