process [i pr1ses | pr8u` ]    (¼øÀ§: 1684 - Áß3 ¼öÁØ)  
¶æ °úÁ¤,ÀýÂ÷; °¡°øÇÏ´Ù
Mean A series of actions, changes, or functions bringing about a result.
ÆÄ»ý¾î proceed  [µ¿]
¿¹¹® 1. The process for making steel is complex. (°­Ã¶À» ¸¸µå´Â °øÁ¤Àº º¹ÀâÇÏ´Ù)
2. a mental process (Á¤½Å ÀÛ¿ë)
3. the process of history (¿ª»çÀÇ ÁøÇà)
4. the process of digestion (¼ÒÈ­ ÀÛ¿ë)
5. serve a process on (¡¦¿¡°Ô ¿µÀåÀ» ¹ßºÎÇÏ´Ù)