rude [i r0:d ]    (¼øÀ§: 2386 - °í1 ¼öÁØ)  
¶æ ¹«·ÊÇÑ,¹ö¸©¾ø´Â
Mean Relatively undeveloped; primitive.
ÆÄ»ý¾î rudeness  [¸í]
¿¹¹® 1. a rude reply (¹«·ÊÇÑ ´ë´ä)
2. rude health (°­°Ç)
3. rude ore (¿ø±¤)
4. a rude, first stage of development (¼Õ´ëÁö ¾ÊÀº, °³¹ß ÃʱâÀÇ ´Ü°è)
[°í1] Çö´ë1. People in America do not consider it rude to blow their noses. [8°ú]
2. It is considered rude to enter the living room with our shoes on. [8°ú]
3. They consider it rude to blow their noses in front of others. [8°ú]