combine [i kqmb=in ]    (¼øÀ§: 1999 - Áß3 ¼öÁØ)  
¶æ ¿¬°á½ÃÅ°´Ù
Mean To bring into a state of unity; merge.
ÆÄ»ý¾î combination  [¸í]
combinative  [Çü]
combiner  [¸í]
¿¹¹® 1. He is some kind of Satan and saint combined. (±×´Â ¾Ç¸¶¿Í ¼ºÀÚ¸¦ °âÇÑ µíÇÑ »ç¶÷ÀÌ´Ù)
2. work combined with pleasure (¿À¶ôÀ» °âÇÑ ÀÏ)
3. combine two companies (µÎ ȸ»ç¸¦ ÇÕº´ÇÏ´Ù)
4. Lets combine our efforts. (ÇÔ²² ³ë·Â ÇÏÀÚ)
5. combine factions into a party (´çÆĸ¦ ÇÑ ´çÀ¸·Î ÇÕüÇÏ´Ù)