flow [i fl8u ]    (¼øÀ§: 1474 - Áß2 ¼öÁØ)  
¶æ È帣´Ù,³ÑÃÄÈ帣´Ù; È帧
Mean To move or run smoothly with unbroken continuity, as in the manner characteristic of a fluid.
ÆÄ»ý¾î flowage  [¸í]
¿¹¹® 1. the flow of a river (°­ÀÇ È帧)
2. The Han flows through Seoul from east to west. (ÇÑ°­Àº ¼­¿ï ½Ã³»¸¦ µ¿¿¡¼­ ¼­·Î È帥´Ù)
3. the flow of water (¹°ÀÇ È帧)
4. tears flowing from her eyes (±×³àÀÇ ´«¿¡¼­ È帣´Â ´«¹°)
5. flow velocity (À¯¼Ó)